Ok. This page is going to be under development for some time, so check back frequently.

I wanted to set aside some of my beliefs about relationships and sexuality all in one place that won’t get pushed down as I post new entries. I figured giving it a page would be good.

First I would like to define a few words as I see them.

Play: Sexual activities in the pursuit of sexual gratification.

Swinging: Seeking sexual relationships with others outside of your relationship, with the consent of the partner(s) of all involved. This can often lead to friendship and occasionally blurs into polyamory (see below), but is primarily about the sexual aspect.  Often couple will seek a playmate/playmates together. Several types of swingers exist all with their own rules on what is acceptable behavior within their play.

Polyamory: Being open to or seeking multiple romantic relationships at the same time. Poly=Many. Amore=loves.

Ethical Non-monagamy: Having more than one sexual partner without deceiving any partner. Full disclosure. Having multiple partners without cheating. It’s not cheating if it is agreed upon and consensual.

Bi-sexual: having sexual interest in both men and women. Interest does not need to be equal in both sexes; it can be any kind of interest in either sex.

Sexually Liberated: Being free of the expectations of society, government, or religion as it pertains to sex, sexual acts, sexual thoughts, sexual beliefs, or sexual perceptions. Being able, and willing to express ones sexual needs and desires, without fear of how others will perceive it.


Where am I in all of this? When the opportunity is there and the circumstances are right, I like swinging but I am not currently active in the swinger community, though I think I will always be a bit of a swinger… that’s where I started in this, and I think I’ll always have an affinity for it. I’ve dabbled in Polyamory, and it both excites and terrifies me; under the right circumstances I’d love to get more comfortable with this concept. I am bi-sexual; I prefer men, I often feel sexual activities seem incomplete without vaginal/penial intercourse, but I do quite enjoy women. Women are soft, beautiful, and sexy; they excite me in ways men can’t, I enjoy playing with them significantly. Ultimately I am an Ethical Non-Monogamist seeking sexual fulfillment and liberation. I am constantly evolving to become more open to new ideas and seeking sexual enlightenment… I’m not completely free of all the things that hold me back, but I’m working on putting them behind me one by one. I’m always striving for more. There’s always something better.